Happy New Year: 2022

Welcome to a new year. I haven’t utilized the blog portion of my website yet, but I figured a nice year-end review would be a good topic. I’m not expecting many people to read this, so if you are, hello and welcome! This site has become quite popular considering its niche subject of SQL puzzles, where its main purpose is to act as a front door to my GitHub repository. If you search for “SQL puzzles” in Google, this site appears first. Crazy.

So… over the past year, I did a pretty big revamp of the site. I modified it from a blog-centric site to a static page site, organized all my code in GitHub, did a ton of consolidating, added a bunch of new puzzles, added sections for my Python puzzles, data analytics, and Azure demos, all the while fixing numerous grammatical errors in my writings. It was a ton of work but well worth the effort. In many ways, this site acts as a portfolio of my work, so I decided to branch out a little and add these new sections as well. I hope it works.

Despite all this revamping, I still have a few things in the pipeline to add. For 2022, I should have some new writings on SQL, more data analytic projects, a bunch of Python hacker statistic puzzles to solve, and even more super difficult SQL puzzles.

So, with all that, I want to thank everyone for their support. Keep the emails and comments coming. I always appreciate them.

Last but not least, I do want to thank all my friends and colleagues who have listened to me talk about all these puzzles and projects that I am working on. It’s a strange hobby that I have, much like solving a crossword or sudoku puzzle.

Happy coding!

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